Monday 30 September 2013

Production log

I tried downloading Adobe premiere, however it did not download as i had some problem regarding storage (Technical difficulties). So i decided to borrow my sisters laptop to download it in the end. I need to look at Youtube tutorials and learn the do's and don'ts. It's going to be quite hard as i am more used to working on photo editing softwares.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Production Log

Today I decided  that I should finally have a trial shoot of my music video, so when I eventually film for real I actually have a faint idea of what I am actually doing, I rang up my model and also had a dress rehearsal kinda thing, so we choose the final outfits, and played around with make-up and hair. There's a picture below showing her getting ready. It was a long, tiring, tough and amusing day but after looking at my videos and clips I took I actually have a small idea of what I'm doing and where I'm going wrong.

I realised that it's really hard to direct and give instructions to the model because I've got an image and certain vision in my head on how i want the video to look like, it's hard putting the message across to the model. on how she should act and do certain things, so that was one of the hard parts. The fact that it was a trial shoot eased the pressure a whole lot!

Raw footage of location

Sunday 8 September 2013

Product log

I am working on my blogging aspect of the project, i don't want to be falling behind, so i am trying to do as much posts as possible! I went to the my main models house and talked outfits and makeup for the video.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Progress report

Over the summer holidays, I have gone through the part of researching and planning for my blog. I started my blog and tried to be a lot more active on my blog as i was a lot more neglectant the year before, I think i was a lot more lazy and i've learnt that planning is Essential.
The first thing i did was, i thought about my chosen genre, and finally decided on Pop.The reason i chose pop was merely because i happen to enjoy the genre very much, so i am quite an expert on it, as i watch a lot of pop videos it helps me know the codes and conventions.  I researched the history of pop and made mood boards for inspiration and began to think of a song.
I knew that I wanted to choose a song that i liked, so i thought of Taylor Swift and started observing her videos more and noting down shots and ideas that i would use in mine.
My chosen song i have decided is Christina Perri - A thousand years.